Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Raghav Langer on Tuesday reviewed the performance of Rural Development Department under various schemes including MGNREGA, here at a meeting with concerned officers.


Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Raghav Langer on Tuesday reviewed the performance of Rural Development Department under various schemes including MGNREGA, here at a meeting with concerned officers.The meeting was attended by Director Rural Development Department, Superintendent Engineer, REW, Deputy Director Planning and other concerned officers, while ADDCs, ACDs of all the districts of the division along with BDOs attended the meeting through video conferencing.At the outset, the Director RDD gave a detailed powerpoint presentation on District wise/Panchayat wise status of works taken up under MGNREGA, PMAY, convergence, 14th FC and other schemes.During the meeting various issues were discussed which includes completion of PMAY(Gramin) houses, Aadhar seeding of MGNREGA workers, Aadhar based payments, Payment of MGNREGA wages, status of MGNREGA works, registration of contractors at Panchayat level, B2V3 works, progress of 14th FC works, CD Panchayats, construction of BDCs, DDC offices, and various other issues related to development works.While reviewing the material and Wage liabilities of previous years under MGNREGA, the Div Com was informed that the verifications are pending in some districts. The Div Com directed the concerned district level officers to count and verify the material liabilities and complete the process within stipulated time frame and send the same to higher authorities for further action.Taking strong note of delay in payments, the Div Com directed the DCs to seek explanations and find out the reasons for delayed payments in the districts.The Div Com also stressed to prioritize the completion of the spillover works/ (executed but not yet completed) in all the districts.While reviewing progress made under PMAY, it was informed that a total of 44526 houses have been constructed so far, while the works are in progress to achieve the set targets.While reviewing status of Awass plus beneficiaries, it was informed that 248845 beneficiaries have been registered in the division out of which Aadhar seeding of 22476 beneficiaries is complete.The Div Com also reviewed the progress on construction of Panchayat Ghars, Block Development Council and District Development Council offices under Rashtriya Gramin Swaraj Yojana. The concerned officers apprised about the works completed so far and status of ongoing works. The Div Com directed the District officers to resolve the issues of identification of land/ transfer of land so that work on these projects can be executed smoothly.Dr Langer said that as per the directions of office of the Lieutenant Governor work on establishment of BDCs and DDCs offices should be expedited in all the districts.The Div Com also reviewed the progress of development works under 14th FC, B2V3. It was decided that the work plans shall be finalized within the stipulated time frame. He also directed the concerned officers to complete the process of registration of contractors and set timelines for completing 100 percent geo tagging of all the works.The Div Com strongly directed the officers to blacklist the poor performing contractors and expedite the pace of ongoing development works in their respective areas. “The people are pinning high hope for quick and speedy development of the districts” he added.