MoES-Knowledge Resource Centre Network (KRCNet) Launched on the Foundation Day of Ministry of Earth Sciences


Under the Digital India initiative of Government of India, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)aims to develop a World-Class Knowledge Resource Centre Network (KRCNet).Keeping in mind the spectacular developments in information technology, the traditional libraries of the MoES system will be upgraded into a top-notch Knowledge Resource Centres (KRC). KRCs will be connected with each other and integrated into the KRCNet portal. It will be a single point entry to the intellectual world of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).

The resources and services of MoES system will be accessible 24X7 through a one point dynamic, updated and integrated KRCNet portal. A pilot project has been developed at MoESheadquarters which will be integrated with other MoES institutes.

Salient objectives of the KRCNet:

  • Establish a Total Quality Management (TQM) system by securing ISO certification for documenting MoESknowledge resources, its maintenance, easy retrieval and dissemination.
  • Collect, collate, analyze, index, store and disseminate the intellectual resources, products and project outputs available in MoES headquarter and its institutes.
  • Develop and maintain an up-to-date meta-data of the print & digital resources available in MoES headquarter and MoES institutes, including MoES services.
  • Provide 24X7 access to the subscribed knowledge contents through the KRCNet portal.
  • Application of information analytical tools & techniques like bibliometrics, scientometrics, big-data analytics, social media analytics etc., for policy formulation, report preparation and information dissemination.
  • Periodically organize training workshops to popularize usage of electronic journals, databases, digital products, data analytics etc