Closures unjustified as all students are being vaccinated


    Jammu, 11-Jan; Jammu Muslim Front has expressed its disappointment over the government decision for closing of schools universities in the wake of increase in Covid cases.The leadership of JMF added that whenever there is slight increase in Covid cases, education sector becomes the first casualty. “We fail to understand why government seems to be keen to close down education sectors in the wake of even a slight increase They further said that after closing down schools and education institutes for years, together government has now once again slapped closing down of all educational institutions which will harm the educational interest of students who have already been at loss and it’s difficult for education institutions to compensate for the loss of academics to these students,”JMF said that students are paying heavy price for the current situation as their studies have been heavily affected.“As of now all the activities of life like festivals, business establishments, overcrowded public transport, rallies etc go on normally, but only the academic classes are being targeted. Even WHO has said that we have to get used to living with Covid by adopting Covid Appropriate Behaviour”, they said. JMF has urged UT admin to revisit their order so as to educate the every segment of student and demanded govt to start community education centre where govt teachers will render help to students in the time of need.(CNS)