Kulagad residents demand inquiry into widening of NH 244


    Srinagar, 28-Jan; Alleging misuse of powers by the officers of theNational Highway from Anatnag to Kishtwar(NH244), a section of the residents of Kulagad Anantnag said that an audit report should be presented to the people on the widening of the road. The residents said that the road leading from Anantnag to Kishtwar has been under development for quite some time now and has witnessed widening under the tenure of Additional District Commissioner who has been in his official capacity widening the road by acquiring 50 feets of land on either sides of the road and this general trend has been followed throughout the stretch of the entire length of the road. However, an exception is being made in acquiring the land for widening of the road at Kulagad Achabal much to the detriment of the interests of the local inhabitants of the area wherein the locals are being asked to leave entire 100 feet of land only from their side because of the reason that some influential officials are residing on the other side of the road and it has become quite evident that these officials have used their good offices or either resorted to illegal gratifications and made the concerned above mentioned Additional District Commissioner to act extra-vires his powers.They alleged that ADC had been pressurising the applicants to leave 100 feets of their land against the normal Government policy and with the aim to shield and protect the properties of the officials residing on other side of the road and is acting to the detriment of the applicants for road widening very much against the general rule and normal practice and to satisfy and benefit the blue eyed officials.The said acts on part of the erring offficial has become a cause of serious concern for the inhabitants of Kulagad Achabal as his unwarranted and extraverts acts are running detrimental to the bonafide interests of the applicants.“ We had raised our grievances with the said official numerous times however he always turned deaf ear to our requests and demands and always turned us away with denial as this land is the only property available to most of the applicants and a source of income to some of them as well”, they added.As per inhabitants, they have already complained the issue before higher authorities and now they have urged LG administration to look into the matter and start impartial enquiry.“The inhabitants of Kulagad Achabal individually and collectively are making this representation before your Honour as a last resort of hope and with the belief that the bonafide and genuine grievances of the applicants will be settled, for which act of kindness and favour we the inhabitants would be highly grateful and forever remain indebted” residents appealed LG Sinha.(CNS)