Several Bridges across valley awaits completion


    Srinagar,10-Feb; Dozens of bridges in Kashmir Valley which, many have not been able to start have been pending for years, are yet to be completed. Incomplete work .Despite the completion of survey, either funds were not released or got lapsed due to one or other reason. There are many such bridges on which half of the estimated amount has been spent and half of the work has been stopped. The work of these bridges was either the responsibility of R&B department and then they were handed over to other construction agencies,According to the construction of several bridges in different parts of the valley is a dream comes true for the people. A new bridge in Qamarwari area is being constructed by Roads and Building(R&B) department awaits completion for over nine years, while a bridge at Pandhrethan area is incomplete due to paucity of funds. The bridge is an important link as it connects the Old city, Soura, Hazratbal and Ganderbal areas with North-Kashmir, Qamarwari and Batamaloo.The work on the 127mts long bridge which, according to R&B costs Rs 9.85 crore, was started in June 2011. Despite the end of second deadline which was in March 2018, R&B department has failed to construct the bridge in the given time frame.Meanwhile, an incomplete bridge at Pandhrethan area of city here has irked the residents of nearly half a dozen areas situated on both sides of the river Jhelum.Pandrathen bridge connects areas like Lasjan, Soiteng and Padhshahibagh to National Highway. The locals from Soiteng, Lasjan, Padshahibagh, Athwajan, Pandhrethan, Batwara, Sonawar and other adjoining areas lamented Government’s lackadaisical approach towards the construction of the “vital connecting link” and accused them with showing indifferent attitude towards the people of the area.“In the absence of the bridge, the locals are forced to walk several kilometres to reach to the other side of the embankment…the Government has failed to live up to their promises,” Abdul Majid, a local said.“The construction work is moving at snail’s pace. Every time the locals raise the issue of the slow pace, the authorities would give different excuses. At times, the work is completely stopped for days and the authorities would employ a labourer or two to give the impression that the work is underway. They befool people,” the locals said.While revealing their ordeal, they further said that initially the locals demanded construction of a pedestrian bridge at Syed Abad Soiteng, which was the shortest distance to reach GB Pant hospital, and Higher Secondary school situated on the other side of the river but the Government skipped the proposal citing security reasons.Similarly, even after elapsing of 15 years, a vital bridge on Jhelum at Dogripora in Awantipora area of South Kashmir’s Pulwama district is awaiting completion.