Kumar Vishwas’ security to be reviewed by Centre following his allegations against Arvind Kejriwal


    Following his allegations against AAP convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, the central government is reviewing the security of former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Kumar Vishwas. The Centre may give him protection through a central agency, official sources said on Friday. “The government is reviewing the security of Kumar Vishwas and may give him protection depending on his threat perception after a through review and based on intelligence inputs,” the sources said.Security to Vishwas is likely to be given through a central security agency after the review. Vishwas had accused Kejriwal of supporting separatists during the high-voltage campaign for the assembly elections in Punjab. Vishwas’ comments created a flutter among the people and in political corridors. Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge of the Congress, sought clarification from Kejriwal. Kharge said, “Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal must clarify on the statement made by his party founder Kumar Vishwas. Punjab is a very sensitive state where maintaining peace is of paramount importance. Kejriwal must show maturity and sensitivity when talking about a border state like Punjab.”Punjab Chief Minister took to Twitter and wrote addressing PM Narendra Modi, “As the chief minister of Punjab, I request Honourable PM Narenda Modi ji to order an impartial enquiry in the matter of Dr Kumar Vishwas Ji’s video. Politics aside, the people of Punjab have paid a heavy price while fighting separatism. Honourable PM needs to address the worry of every Punjabi.”Meanwhile, AAP leader Raghav Chadha refuted the allegations and lashed out at Vishwas for defaming and deriding Kejriwal. “The malicious, unfounded, fabricated and inflammatory insinuations made by Vishwas are not only demonstrably defamatory, but are redolent of promoting hatred ill will, and hostility in the society, in particular against the AAP,” Chadha said. Lambasting Vishwas, Chadha added, “Why did he suddenly remember these things a day before the election? If he had any evidence related to terrorism against Kejriwal, why didn’t he inform the security and investigative agencies? Was he also involved in this, which is why he remained silent for so long,” he asked. He alleged Vishwas was making such accusations out of resentment because he did not get the Rajya Sabha seat.Polling for the Punjab Assembly will be held on February 20 (Sunday).