Dimple appeals UNO to intervene in Russia and Ukraine war Urges for safe evacuation of Indian


    Jammu,25-Feb; Mission statehood Jammu Kashmir President,Sunil Dimple on Saturday appealed UNO, world countries to intervene in the Russian – Ukraine war, as this can lead to world war and demanded for the safe return of J&K students and twenty thousand Indians from Ukraine.Addressing the protestors Sunil Dimple appealed to the America president Biden, Russian President Putin to stop war as this can lead the World war & destruction of the world countries.He appealed GoI to bring back the thousands of Jammu Kashmir students & Indians safely from the Ukraine .“Indians are not safe in Ukraine and they have no food, money, water to drink and they in bunkers can’t come out”,dimple added.Dimple demanded the prime minister to start a surgical strike on POK, Pakistan and destroy the militants’ training camps to stop innocent selective killings in jammu kashmir.“Govt of India & PM must Liberate the people of POK, gilgit, blatistan and stop militancy in Jammu Kashmir & india”,dimple added.(CNS