Mansbal Lake Turning into a Gutter Locals and Industrial owners Dumping Garbage on its Banks


    Ganderbal , 09-Mar: The historic Mansbal Lake in Jammu and Kashmir has turned into a gutter due to dumping of garbage and other filthy items on its banks. The water of the lake has become polluted and the stink is spreading all around. According to Mansbal Lake consists of water from numerous springs which are located at the top of the lake. The water gushing from the springs offers a beautiful view. Mansbal is counted among the six most beautiful lakes in the world. A few days ago, a video went viral on social media in which it can be seen how Mansbal Lake is turning into filthy water body due to the filth coming out from the nearby settlements.Due to pollution, the existence of this lake is in danger. The lake water is becoming toxic due to pollution from all sides. As a result, many species of aquatic organisms and fish are becoming extinct. While talking to Current News Service Mohammad Sadiq, a social worker said that selfish elements are dumping garbage in this historic lake, which is not only polluting the lake’s water, but also making Mansbal Lake lost its significance.”If it ceases to exist, future generations will not forgive us,” he said.He added that the lake used to be source of livelihood to hundreds of people as it is habitat to high quality fish.“But now the situation is different. He said that all the water has become dirty and stinking due to dirt and filth, which is also having a bad effect on the arrival of tourists” he lamented.Another young man namely Musaib Ahmad said that he came here many years later to see the view of Lake Mansbal and was going to invite many friends from outside but he was disgusted by the filth and stench on the banks of the lake and he was very upset.He added that in order to save Mansbal Lake, the most important thing is to set up a sewage system in the adjoining villages so that the effluent of the settlements would not contaminate the lake.He cautioned that emergency measures should be taken to protect the historic lake to save it from destruction. (CNS)