National Commission for Protection of Child Rights celebrating its 18th Foundation Day


12JAN, Delhi: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights is celebrating its 18th Foundation Day. To fully dedicate this occasion to the children, a Quiz was launched by the Commission on the occasion of National Youth Day (Swami Vivekananda Jayanti) on 12th January, 2023 to create awareness among children about child rights and make Child Rights champions through this Quiz. Wide participation of children has been invited from school students, children living in hostels, children living in Child Care Institutions (CCIs) and street children across the country through online and offline mode to participate in the quiz. It is a platform to empower children for their rights, where the quiz covers all the topics that are very important for children to know.While launching this quiz, Mr. Priyank Kanoongo, Chairperson, NCPCR categorically said that there can be no better day than National Youth Day to launch this quiz. As we all know, Swami Vivekananda gave us this message that how an ideal society can be built by making ourselves aware and empowered through knowledge and updated information. Taking inspiration from this, we have decided to make child rights champions among the children in the country, who will work to take forward this campaign of child rights awareness and pave the way for nation building by being empowered. This effort is a small contribution of the Commission in the efforts being made by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for New India, so that a completely child-friendly environment can be created in the country.The questions asked in the quiz will be helpful in boosting the confidence of the children. This is the first mega event of its kind, in which a large number of children are going to participate. The participants will not only be able to enhance their own knowledge, but through this, an environment will be created for discussion on child rights among children across the country.The quiz is divided according to age groups and students will participate in the quiz according to their age group. A link for the quiz has been provided on NCPCR website under various topics on child rights ( link; ) where children can participate online or offline as per their age group. The quiz has a question bank of hundreds of question covering basic questions on child rights including JJ Act, POCSO Act, RTE Act and Child Labour Act, school safety, disaster management, cyber safety, sexual violence and other violence, child marriage, health and nutrition, etc. in which a question paper of 10 questions will be given to the participating children on all topics. The answers to all the questions will also be provided, out of which the participants will have to choose the correct one. In order to make this quiz accessible to the children who are not connected with internet or do not having electronics devices to access the online quiz, offline facility has also been made available to the children. A separate window will be opened on the link for digital divide and school principals, superintendents of CCIs and DCPOs can download the quiz set thereof for distribution among the children. After students fill this quiz, it can be scanned and uploaded on the link. The link of the quiz available on the Commission’s website will remain online from National Youth Day (Swami Vivekananda Jayanti) till February 28. The list of children participating in the quiz through offline medium will have to be submitted to the Commission by February 20, 2023.