G20 MACS meeting in Varanasi to feature the MAHARISHI Initiative i.e., Millets And OtHer Ancient Grains


14 April, News Delhi : Following is the message from Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) on G20 MACS Meeting to be held on 17-19 April in Varanasi:“Agriculture is the foundation of the civilization, culture and heritage of India. Indian Agriculture is unique, diversified and vast providing livelihood and income to more than half of our population. During the last 75 years, the country has marched from a ship-to-mouth to self-sufficient to a food exporting nation. It achieved science- and policy-backed agri-revolutions including Green, White, Blue, Yellow, Golden, Silver, Brown, Grey and rainbow revolutions, which transformed Indian agriculture. Food production increased by 6 to 70 times since 1950 with only 1.3 times increase in the net cultivated area.The Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) in G20 is instrumental in promoting joint action to put science-based solutions for achieving sustainable, resilient and profitable agri-food systems. It provides a good platform for discussion, deliberations and exchange of knowledge, science and technologies for food and nutrition security and strengthening cooperation among the G20 nations.In consonance with India’s G20 Presidency theme “One Earth, One Family, One Future”, the Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) will pursue discussion on food and nutrition security, resilience to climate change, One Health approaches, digital agriculture, and public–private partnerships for research, education and extension.