Advisor Baseer Khan hears public grievances


SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 17: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Ahmad Khan, today heard public grievances at Church Lane, Sonwar, Srinagar.
Scores of deputations and individuals met the Advisor and apprised him of their grievances and issues seeking an early redressal of the same.
A delegation from Palpora Noorbagh demanded up-gradation of transformer installed at Government Boys Higher Secondary School.
Another deputation of casual labourers of Social Forestry Range, Qazigund Division, Anantnag demanded regularization of their services and enrolment of their names in the Bio-Metric system.
Also, a delegation of casual labourers working in the Forest department of Anantnag Forest Division, Range Kokernag gave a representation for rectification of their order date which has been incorrectly uploaded on the department’s website.
Meanwhile, A group of contractual employees of Integrated Watershed Management Programme working in RDD and PR who have been working in the department for eight years demanded continuation of their service.
The Committee members of Masjid Jamia Morfat Rehmatallil Alameen demanded timber for the mosque.
Besides, several other delegations sought construction and repairing of roads in their areas while few deputations sought water and health facilities in their respective areas.