Sadhbhavana Medical Camp at Village Sarodab (Tulail) on 27 March 2022


    Sarodab Tulail: Army Unit located at Niru under the aegis of Chinar corps organised a Sadhbhavana Medical camp on 27 Mar 2022 at Village Sarodab in Tulail valley, Jammu and Kashmir. This medical camp was aimed to provide succour to the patients suffering with minor afflictions. The villages of Sarodab, Tatrithal, kutranthal, Buglandor and G G Sheikh of Tulail valley were given medical advice and free medicines.The Lady Regimental medical officer alongwith her medical team treated the patients and distributed medicines for common ailments like common cold, high blood pressure, joint pain, common gynaecological disorders , Dental issues etc locals were guided on essential hygiene , sanitation , health awareness and precautionary measures against covid- 19 and lifestyle diseases. The senior citizens underwent evaluation specific for cardiac diseases and supplements were given to help with age related changes. A total of 311 villagers benefited from this medical camp including ladies , children and Senior citizens. Locals of area appreciated the efforts made by Indian Army .The Medical Camp reinstated the belief that the *Army Cares*