AP&FWD Kashmir celebrates Constitution Day throughout valley


Anantnag, 26-Nov;Agriculture Production & Farmers welfare Department Kashmir today celebrated “Samvidhan Divas’’ also known Constitution Day. Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal initiated the Samvidhan Day celebrations from Anantnag, where he along with other senior officers/officials of the Department took part in the preamble reading ceremony.Speaking on the occasion, Director Agriculture said that the Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Divas is being celebrated to commemorate the adoption of constitution of India. Chowdhary said that these events aim to reiterate and reorient the citizens towards the values and principles expressed in the Indian constitution and encouraging all the Indians to play their rightful role in strengthening the democracy.Director said Samvidhan Divas, is being celebrated across the valley at all agriculture offices form Zonal Level to Chief Agriculture Offices.At Anantnag Joint Director Agriculture Extension Sheikh Shahid Iqbal, Joint Director Agriculture Inputs Farooq Ahmad Bhat, Joint Director Agriculture Engineering Ilyas Khateeb, Joint Director Apiculture and Mushrooms Peer Syed Mohammad, Deputy Director Planning Mohammad Younis Chowdhary, Chief Agriculture Officers and other senior officers of the Department were present on the occasion.(CNS)