Chowkidar association seek redressal of grievances


    Srinagar, 21-Sep; Demanding hike in their monthly honorarium Chowkidar association on Tuesday appealed the Lieutenant Governor to increase their wages. Stressing that their work becomes all the more difficult in hilly and remote areas, they further said, “One has to trek several kilometres to reach a police station and other administrative offices to furnish records. With the introduction of new welfare schemes and growing population their work load has increased manifold, but the salary remains meagre despite skyrocketing prices of all essentials.” President of Association, Sheikh Bashir Ahmad said: “The Chowkidars are full-time public servants but the government is paying us a meagre salary of Rs 1500 per month. The government should ensure that they get wages in consonance with the Minimum Wages Act.’’ Chowkidars furnish information to government officials regarding status of land, data of physically challenged persons, widows, government employees and households for the ration cards and voter ID cards. They also collect house tax and submit it regularly to government treasury besides filing inquiry reports for the birth,death certificates and character certificates. “Despite working for longer hours and poor wages, they don’t even get bus-fare for their frequent travels to government offices for filing their reports,” complained Bashir Ahmad. “We appeal the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to look into the matter and address our demands promptly,” they said.(CNS)