CS launches EPM portal for monitoring monthly performance of employees


    The Chief Secretary launched the J&K Employees Performance Monitoring (EPM) portal for assessing the monthly work of all government employees in the Union territory.On the occasion the ACS Finance, Atal Dulloo; Principal Secretary GAD, Manoj Kumar Dwivedi and other senior officers of the administration including those from NIC were present. Dr Mehta called the initiative path breaking in taking the good governance practices a notch higher in the UT. He complimented the joint team of GAD and NIC for developing the portal in a short time to boost administrative efficiency. He maintained that all employees should be encouraged to file their monthly performances capturing respective contributions to the departmental goals and achievements. The Chief Secretary also urged the officers to make provisions for submitting the performance on behalf of field officials. He further advised the officers to base the annual appraisals on reported monthly contributions and integrate achievements with salary drawl. The Chief Secretary directed for devising training schedule to acquaint employees with the functioning of the portal for smooth operationalization of EPM.The Principal Secretary, GAD informed that it is first of its kind mechanism in the country, whereby the employees will be required to report the monthly performance up to the 7th of next calendar month on the portal http://epm.jk.gov.in using their CPIS numbers.It was informed that for the purpose of registration, the employee has to download the instant messaging app SANDES for receiving the OTP. The link for the same has also been provided on the said portal. The employee can then submit each month’s performance in ‘Submit Activities’ menu against each month selected and could also view it thereafter in ‘View Activities’ menu. The monthly reporting system is likely to bring about much needed accountability and service efficiency.