DDK, AIR Casual employees without wages from eight months


    Srinagar, 06-Dec; The Casual contractual workers of Doordarshan Kendra (DDK) and All India Radio Kashmir (AIR) on Monday appealed authorities to release their pending wages which are stuck from last 8 months.Employees told over phone that they being the poor workers are facing many hardships in passing their days in these tough times due to nonpayment of wages for last eight months and some of them are even at the verge of starvation. Besides, they can’t even meet the expenses of education of their children as the department has left their families in lurch.The workers also demanded enhancement of their wages as despite serving the Departments for decades together they are paid a meager amount of Rs 700 per day. Moreover as some of them who have served for over two decades to the organizations are have become over aged while others are at the verge of the same and hence don’t have any chance to seek fresh employment anywhere, the workers added.The workers said that with such a meager income they are unable to feed and support their families and are also unable to meet the expenses of the studies of their children and their day to day requirements. Besides, they are also unable to have proper treatment of their ailing and old aged parents, they added.Seeking the intervention of Union Minister, these workers appealed him to take up the issue with Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India for regularization of their services in the Department with enhancement of wages and timely release of the same in future.(CNS)