Director Health visits deceased Health Employees family


    Baramulla 19 Nov, : Director Health Services Kashmir Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Rather on Friday visited the residence of a Health Employee who died due to Covid 19 while Performance his Duties.Decaesed Health Employee Mohmmad Muzaffar Marazi of Janbazpora Baramulla died on 16th Nov 2021 after getting infected by Covid 19 during his duties at Srinagar.Today Director Health Dr Mushtaq along with BMO Rohana Dr Asif and other Doctors Visited Janbazpora and Paid Condolence to the Family of deceased.Director expressed his condolences to the family of Muzafar Ahmad and assured them every possible help from Department on Speedy Basis.Meanwhile director on his visit directed concerned BMO Rohama to Process the Case of Deceased for Compensation on Speedy Basis.(CNS)