Dr.Bhupinder Elected President of J&K Dental Council


    Dr.Bhupinder Singh has been unanimously elected as the president of prestigious J&K Dental Council (J&KDC) by the members during general body meeting held today. He is the youngest dentist till date to be elected to this coveted position.

    The J&K Dental Council is the statutory body constituted as per the provision of section 21 of the Dentists Act, 1948. Dr. Bhupinder Singh had polled highest number of votes in the first ever elections to Jammu & Kashmir State Dental Council (JKSDC) in year 2017. He has worked as secretary and president of Indian Dental Association (IDA) Jammu in the past.Before being elected as president of J&KDC, he was incharge of clinical inspections, the work of which was to register the dental clinics in J&K. He sealed various dental clinics which were illegally operated by the quacks.During his tenure as president of Indian Dental Association he took up issue of unemployment of the dental surgeons with the chief minister as well as health minister of J&K.Dentist of J&K are optimistic that Dr.Singh would be able to resolve the problems like unemployment amongst dental surgeons and will be able to seal the clinics illegally run by the quacks.