Farewell ceremony in honour of Director General H & P Employees appreciate 3 decades of public service


    Srinagar ,31-Dec:Director General Hospitality and Protocol Hashmat Ali is retiring on Friday after serving in various government departments in Jammu and Kashmir for three decades.A farewell function was organized by the department at Banquet Hall, Srinagar, during which his three decades of public service were appreciated. Top officials of the department were also present during the function organized by the Hospitality and Protocol Union. The speakers termed Hashmat Ali as a people friendly and employee friendly officer and said that he always worked hard for which his services will always be remembered. Speaking on the occasion, Union President Nisar Ahmed Lone said that although he was retiring, what he had done for the employees of the department was a milestone.Addressing the function, Director General Hospital & Protocol Hashmat Ali urged the employees to work honestly and said that they were working in a sensitive department. Other employees and officers who retired this year were awarded certificates by the Director General of Hospitals and Protocols at the ceremony.(CNS)