Financial Commissioner (ADC) AP& FWD chairs maiden review meeting of Agriculture department Asks officers to ensure timely and stream line fund flow; Atal Dulloo



    21-May;Financial Commissioner (Additional Chief Secretary) Agriculture Production and Farmer Welfare Department Atal Dulloo today chaired first detailed review meeting of agriculture sector to assess the progress on various centrally sponsored schemes and other flagship programmes being implemented in the division at Agriculture Complex Lalmandi Srinagar.Financial Commissioner in his address said that our prime concern is to increase the income of farmers. He asked the officers to explore the possibilities leading to supplement the income of farm operating families. He said right now our focus area is the Kharief Season to be successful and for that he emphasised upon the officers to work in coordination with the district administration particularly with irrigation department so that the farmer’s issues could be addressed timely.Financial commissioner said to boost the income of 7.5 lakh small and marginal farm operating family’s, implementation of centrally sponsored schemes in an effective manner could play a vital role. He marked the importance of timely fund utilization and asked the officers to ensure stream line fund flow.Atal Dulloo asked the officers to identify projects under different centrally sponsored schemes so that they could be discussed, deliberated approved and implemented in the larger interest of farming community.Financial Commissioner highlighted the importance of synergy between the Agriculture University and department and said the research must be in line with the aspirations of farmers. Financial commissioner said the projects identified for GI tagging must be completed time bound. He appreciated the officers and hope same motivation and commitment in future.During the meeting Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal gave a detailed power point presentation and briefed the chair about the successful implementation of various central sponsored schemes across the division. He gave detailed presentation regarding present status of different flagship programs, major achievements and initiatives of the department.Earlier Financial Commissioner visited various Agriculture schemes and installations including Floriculture farm , Medicinal, Aromatic section, Integrated Mushroom Development Centre, Kitchen Garden (Hi Tech Poly Houses), Quality Control Laboratory, Organic Vegetable Market at Agriculture Complex premises Lalmandi.Later on Financial Commisioner visited Bangund, Wanpora Organic Vegetable Clusters of Pulwama district and interacted with organic vegetable growers.(CNS)