Fire and Emergency Deptt aspirants stage protest


    Srinagar, 03-March; Scores of aspirants for various posts in Fire and Emergency (F&E) department on Saturday staged protest to press for their selection.Scores of these aspirants from various districts across Kashmir assembled at press enclave holding placards to press for their demands.The aspirants alleged that despite High court directions,the department is not serious about filling the vacancies.They said the F&E department advertised over 1000 in 2013. “All the applicants went through exams and physical test together, but the whole process was considered null after 2014 floods. In 2018, new forms were accepted and again physical tests and written exams were conducted. The papers were leaked. Then again, the exam was conducted in 2020 and old physical test was considered. The paper was leaked again and overnight candidates were posted and we were dropped,” said protestors”In these 9 years many of us have crossed the upper age bar. This is ending our chances of what could be our last hope of earning a stable livelihood,”they added.The aspirants said that in the process, over 600 posts were filled and remaining over 300 posts are yet to be filled. “We want these posts to be filled so that we don’t suffer. We are crossing the upper age limit and we have been following these posts for nearly a decade. This is injustice with us,” they said.“Recently we went to Central Administrative Tribunal which directed the department to advertise the vacancies and fill them in favour of petitioners within two months. We are still lingering and we don’t have any hope of future now. We request the LG administration to help us save our future,” another aspirant added.(CNS)