Friday prayers disallowed again at Jamia Masjid


    Srinagar,17-Sep: No congregational prayers were offered at Srinagar’s Jamia Masjid – the grand mosque of Kashmir for the 6TH consecutive Friday.Friday prayers were again suspended at the historic Jamia Masjid in the downtown following advisory by the administration limiting gatherings to 25 people in the Union Territory.Eyewitnesses said that the prayers were not offered as authorities had locked the main gate of the mosque with armed forces personnel deployed in front of it. In this regard, a formal notice was also posted on the gate of the Jamia Masjid by the administration.The Anjuman Aquaf Jamia Masjid lamented that despite the fact worshippers are fully adhering to COVID-19 SOPs, the prayers at the largest place of worship in Kashmir were not being allowed for the last Six Fridays.Meanwhile, people alleged that the ‘dual policy’ adopted by administration is confusing as on one hand it has closed worship places and are yet to reopen educational institutions while on the other hand, tourist resorts are open and the administration and political parties are holding functions, Sports tournaments and other melas are being held in the valley.“It’s ironic that on one hand all concerns regarding Covid are being ignored when it comes to asking people to participate in official functions while restrictions are being imposed on Friday prayers and worship in central mosques, shrines and imam-Baras where Covid SOPs are being fully followed,” one of the devotee said. ‘If you go to any tourist resort in weekdays or weekends, you will see most of the people roaming around without adhering to any COVID guidelines,’ he added.(CNS)