JKSSBs type test for post of Election Assistant commences


    Board allows candidates to retain copy of answer script for greater transparency In order to bring transparency in recruitment process, the Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) has allowed the candidates to retain copy of answer script of Type Test (Skill Test) for the posts of Election Assistant (Junior Scale) which commenced from 14th February, 2022 at NIELIT, Jammu and NIELIT Rangreth, Budgam.The skill test of the afore said posts is the first phase of assessment for a multi stage recruitment process for the posts of Election Assistant (Junior Scale). The successful candidates shall have to qualify objective and descriptive type Written test examinations before being recommended for selection.As an endeavour to further enhance the transparency and fairness during the conduct of examinations, the JKSSB has introduced the provision of duplicate answer scripts for the type test. The candidates shall be allowed to retain the duplicate copy for reference and original copy shall be retained by the JKSSB.Pertinently, JKSSB had advertised 110 UT Cadre posts of Election Assistant (Junior Scale) of Election Department, vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2020 for which 15700 applications were received by the board.