Justice Magray Inaugurates One Day Workshop in Srinagar


    Srinagar, 24 Dec: Hon’ble Justice Ali Mohammad Magray today Inaugurated one day Workshop at District Court Complex Srinagar.According to One day Workshop on Gender Sensitization Breaking Barriers and Addressing Issues” was today inaugurated by Hon’ble Mr Justice Ali Mohammad Magrey, Judge High Court of J&K and Ladakh (Chairman, Gender Sensitization and Internal Complaints Committee) at Conferences Hall District Court Complex Srinagar in which Judicial officers, Secretary DLSA of Kashmir Valley participated.Work Shop was Organised by Legal Services Authority in Collaboration with Director Judicial Academy District Level Services Authority SrinagarOn the Occasion, In charge Principal District and Sessions Judge Srinagar ,Jeema Bashir, Director Judicial Academy Sanjay Parihar, Secretry Srinagar DLSA Noor Mohammad Mir and other DLSA Secretaries were also Present.(CNS)