JWAK demands FIR against ‘fake journalists


    Srinagar,16-Apr; Journalist and Writers Association Kupwara has urged police to file FIR against ‘fake journalists’ under relevant sections of law and ascertain the authenticity of their fraudulent Face book page ‘JK News Update’.In a statement issued, JWAK spokesperson said that on late Friday evening, they received a written complaint from Naib Tehsildar Khurhama on behalf of Tehsildar Lalpora to the effect that two ‘self styled journalists’ identified as Prince Malik and Ishrat Malik of ‘JK News Update’ fradulent Facebook page intimated and attempted to blackmail Tehsildar Lalpora.The complaint addressed to Division Police Officer Khurhama and copied to DDC, SSP Kupwara and also two journalist association president’s of Kupwara made a clear mention of two self-styled journalists misusing journalism for their personal material interest and to cause character assassination to senior officer.The complainant in his letter No: NTK/89-94 Dated: 15-04-2022 urged police to file FIR against ‘fake journalists’ .“Such incidents have brought a collective shame to the sacred journalism institution and left the legitimate journalists across Jammu and Kashmir and particularly in Kupwara embarrassed. JWAK unequivocally condemns acts ox extortion, intimidation and blackmailing in the name of journalism”,spokesperson said.He further said that that JWAK takes the opportunity to make it clear that the accused fake journalists do not belong to our association in any manner.“JWAK urges authorities to identify and expose fake media men defaming journalism and legitimate journalists by their acts of extortion, intimidation and blackmailing”,he added.Meanwhile, JWAK has appealed ordinary people to extend support to police and legitimate journalists and file complaint against such maroons bringing disrepute to the sacred profession.“Fake media men or reporters must be booked and sternly punished for the wrong doing. We pledge total support to police and civil administration and urge them to take stern against such maroons to help save journalism from further disrepute and damage”, they added.(CNS)