Meet Azra Shakeel Author,writer/poetess from South Kashmir


    Meet 20 years old Azra Shakeel a law student (Kashmir university) From Batpora area of South kashmir’s shopain District, Author Of “spirits of Epione” Book Which Was published By One of the reputed Chattisgarh based Publications” Authors Tree Publishing House”Before one month Which is Available on All Plateforrms Like Amazon, Flipkart, kindle, I Books, Google Play Kobo Writing Life Etc.While interracting with Azra she said,that she had wrote almost 20 Articles About the struggle of life and social which was carried by different Local Newspapers of Kashmir Valley Like Greater kashmir, Kashmir Reader etc.I believe that writing is the smartest form of expression and words have power to change us, make us and take us to the stars Said Azra. Her Articles Was appreciated by professional Writers , scholars and the society at large. She doesn’t write for fame, recognition or publicity_ she writes for her soul satisfaction, for the people who are in lower stage of their lives.Her first book_’spirits of epione’ is collection of poems in which Through Poems She Wrote about the ups and downs of life, various shades and colours of romantic life, beauty of creator and his creations. The book provides soothing touch to all broken and unmotivated souls, inspires thag how to deal with challenges and downfalls one goes through in his/her life.I got inspired by one of the most famous writer Ms Azra Mufti who is the inspiration for all the budding writers of kashmir valley , her work inspired and to reach on my destination said Azra.