Revenue of 25 crores Generated by ARTO Baramulla


    Baramulla, 24 Dec: In a Very Surprising Response huge amount has been Generated by a Single Department to government of Jammu & Kashmir.Motor Vehicle department Baramulla has given More than Twenty Five Crores Revenue to Government within Nine Months which is a Very Huge amount generated by a Single Department as Compared to Previous Years also learnt that among 25 Crores 90% of Payment has been made by Public through Online Mode and only 10% Amount has been deposited by People in MVD office physically, rest online deposition by dealers, csc, centres etc.ARTO Mubashir Jan while speaking to said that empowering CSC centres can reduce footfall as all services are almost online.Despite dearth of manpower, 105 Awareness programmes regarding Road safety, Drug de-addiction etc were carried out by MVD.Six International Driving Permits were also Issued by the said department. “The MVD Baramulla within these Nine Months has delivered huge Services to General Public of District Baramulla”,said one of the employees .Although Due to Hard work and dedication by ARTO Baramulla More than 4000 Fresh Driving License were also Issued by virtue of On Road Driving test to New Driver’s while as 5000 Driving License were also renewed besides almost 5039 new vehicle registration and 500 Route permits renewed by the said department during these nine months,It is Pertain to Mention here that In 2017 Only Rs 09.5 Crores amount was received by MVD Baramulla While as 2018 Rs 08.92 Crores, In Year 2019 10.42. Crores and in Year 2020, 24 Crores were received respectively. (CNS)