Send pic of wrongly-parked vehicle and get rewarded, offers Govt


Government may soon give you a reward of Rs 500 if you send an image of a wrongly parked vehicle on streets. As revealed by Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari at an event, the government is planning to bring a legislation that will encourage users to report inappropriate parked vehicles. He also revealed that the new legislation will allow the sender of the image to get a Rs 500 reward from the government, if the fine for the vehicle owner is over Rs 1,000. According to the minister, the move is aimed to curb the practice of wrongly parked vehicles on streets which result in traffic jams.“Main ek kanoon laane wala hun ki road par jo vehicle khadi karega, uska joh mobile se photo nikal kar bhejega, usko agar Rs 1,000 fine hoga, toh Rs 500 photo nikalane wale ko milega. Toh parking ka problem solve ho jayega (I am going to bring a law under which a person sending photograph of a wrongly parked vehicle will get Rs 500 if the total fine works out to be Rs 1,000. Then the problem of parking will be solved),” he said.The minister further slammed people who do not make parking spaces for their vehicles and occupy the roads to park their vehicles.In a lighter vein, he said, “My cook in Nagpur also owns two second hand vehicles… Now, a family of four members has six vehicles. It appears that Delhiites are lucky people as we have made road for parking of their vehicles…Nobody makes parking spaces, most of them park their vehicles on streets”.Gadkari on Thursday also emphasised on the need of maintaining equilibrium between ecology, environment and development. He believes that it is essential to develop alternative fuels and an eccentric one-sided approach to these issues is not beneficial for the country.