SHD organises FPO Workshop at Bandipora


    Bandipora, 09-Mar: Sheep Husbandary Department Bandipora today organized One Day Workshop on prospects of Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) in sheep farming at District Sheep Husbadry Office Complex Bandipora. The workshop was attended by Deputy Ditector Reserach Dr Maroof Ahmad Shah , Lead Bank Manager Bandipora Abdul Rashid , KVK Scientist Dr Hilal Ahmad , DSHO Bandipora Dr Showkat Ahmad, SDO Bandipora Dr Shabir, Member Advisory Board Kissan Development Board Fayaz Ahmad Beigh , VAS’s ,Media Personals.As many as 50 progressive Sheep farmers also participated in the programme. Throwing light on prospects of FPO in sheep sector. Speakers expressed their heart out & elucidated potential of FPO in lifting sheep sector to new heights & bringing this to organised level where role of intermediaries can be eliminated so that our sheep farmer can reap the actual benefits & adopt it on commercial lines. By the mode FPO’S products & by-products of sheep can be processed at industrial level in our own localities which can prove game changing in lifting the agrarian economy to promising levels . Fayaz Ahamd who is himself running Shehzaar Vegetable FPO at Sumbal explained in depth the working of FPO & answered quite satisfactorily to apprehension of farmers who attended the workshop. At the end farmers gave their feedback & pledged to work together for successful implementation of FPO in sector.Dr Showkat assured the participating farmers that SHD Bandipora will act as Bridge in facilitating these FPO at every level .(CNS)