Woman shifted to home on makeshift wooden stretcher


    DODA: Due to non-availability of road connectivity, a woman was shifted to her house after delivery on makeshift wooden stretcher.As per reports, a video went viral on social media in which some persons were seen carrying a woman after delivery at district hospital here being shifted to her home on a makeshift wooden stretcher due to non-availability of road.When verified, the video was of a lady hailing from Badbaggi village in Panchayat Bagglla Khunu, which is around 25 kilometers away from the Doda town.Due to non-availability of road, the local villagers use makeshift wooden stretcher to shift the pregnant women and ailing people to the hospital.Lack of road connectivity and infrastructure has made the life of people of these hilly areas really challenging.”Incidents like these are not new to us but it is only the first time that such a video went viral on social media”, said a villager.Local people said that due to non-availability of road connectivity, they face manifold problems.”We shift the patients to the hospitals in these makeshift wooden structures due to non availability of the road connectivity”, the locals said, adding that leaders of the area have promised us during election times that road connectivity will be provided in the area to connect with the town, but nothing has happened till date.They requested to Lieutenant Governor and District Administration to look into the issue and provide road connectivity to their area.