*Women Helpline-181 and SAKHI Bandipora organised a day long Workshop cum Orientation Programme.*


    • Bandipora, Feb. 16: *SAKHI–One Stop Centre, Bandipora* in collaboration with *181- J&K Women Helpline* organised one day Workshop cum Sensitization programme for Staff members and other stakeholders here at One Stop Centre, Bandipora on 15th February, 2022. The orientation highlighted various aspects regarding domestic violence, women rights, role of One Stop Centre and 181 helpline. During the event, the staff was sensitized that Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Govt. Of India has formulated a Centrally Sponsored One Stop Centre Scheme and 181 – Women Helpline scheme to address various DV issues and to provide support and assistance to women affected by any kind of violence, both in private and public spaces.During the event, Miss Jameela Akhter, CW OSC, greeted the participants with warm welcome and highlighted the need to be aware of various women centric laws and regulations while as Miss Shahida Bashir highlighted the role of modern mechanism and redressal systems for women, who feel any violence or any kind of such issues. Mr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, State Coordinator, 181 – JK Women Helpline highlighted the role of 181. He said that women need to come forward and break their silence over any kind of violence, so that the men and machinery could be well utilized and justice could prevail. He said that 181 is a toll free number and any affected women can avail various services and can raise their voices against violence by simply making a phone call to this toll free number. Centre Administrator, SAKHI Bandipora, Miss Ishrat Ayoub while informing the participants about the need to break their silence said, “One-Stop Centre is a centrally sponsored scheme committed to safeguarding women and girls from any kind of violence,” She added. She said that emergency response and medical assistance are being provided free of cost to women and girls affected by various violence. The One-Stop Centre also provides temporary shelter to women and girls who are victims of violence.One Stop Centre provides police assistance, legal aid and counseling to women affected from violence. It is a centre with many purpose, providing various facilities under one roof, ” She said while inspiring the participants to come forward in case of any violence or forced issues. Miss Afshana Hassan, Psycho-Social Counselor, stressed women to be aware of safety and violence taking place within their homes and around. Apart from this she informed the women to be aware of women’s rights for safeguard themselves and others by simply dailing 181 Women Helpline. Meanwhile, Miss Ishrat Akbar, PMA and Miss Shabnam Shaban has emphasised the gathering about spreading the word of awareness regarding various laws meant to safeguard a woman at home or at work place. They highlighted the roles of various women centric agencies and departments and emphasised upon the participants to be change makers for themselves and for others. A warm vote of thanks to the gathering and to 181 JK Women Helpline was presented by Miss Mehnaza Rasool, CW One Stop Centre Bandipora.