CSIR-NIScPR Organised National Brainstorming Meeting to Discuss Science Communication in 22 Indian Languages


13 JAN , Delhi: CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR), New Delhi organised a national level brainstorming meeting on science communication efforts in all 22 Indian languages on 10th January 2023. This meeting was organised in hybrid mode.The brainstorming meeting started with a welcome address by Shri Hasan Jawaid Khan, Chief Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR. He expressed the gratitude towards all experts for joining this important meeting. He explained many efforts of science communication being made by CSIR-NIScPR and other organisations. He also addressed the importance of science communication in untouched languages, far flunged regions, undiscussed topics and media of communication for dissemination of science, and said still we have miles to go.