SDRF bids farewell to Lady Inspector


JAMMU, DECEMBER 31: A warm farewell was given to Chanchal Kumari, Inspector (M) who superannuated from SDRF 2nd Bn. Jammu after rendering 31 years of satisfactory and unblemished service.On this occasion, Commandant SDRF 2nd Bn. Randheer Singh, SSP, congratulated the superannuating officer and lauded the equalities of her head & heart and professional excellence. He also presented retirement gift voucher on behalf of J&K Police Welfare Funds.Gurvinder Kour, Bn. Quarter Master, Arvinder Kotwal, Bn. Adjutant, Daljeet Singh Dy. SP SDRF 2nd Bn. and all staff members of Direction Office, DIG HG/CD & SDRF, Director Homegurds Jammu and SDDRF 2nd. Bn. were also present on the occasion. All the officers/staff wished the retiring officer best of luck for post retired life.