All centrally protected monuments to open from today in non-containment zones


NEW DELHI: Government to open all the Centrally protected monuments by completely abiding with safety protocols from Monday.

Union Tourism Minister Prahlad Singh Patel has said, only those monuments and museums which are in the non-containment zones will be opened for visitors. He said, all Centrally protected monuments and sites will be bound by the protocols like sanitization, social distancing and other health protocols issued by the Health Ministry. Tourism Minister said, any specific orders of the State and District Administration shall also be strictly implemented. These monuments were closed in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of three thousand 691 Centrally protected monuments come under the Archaeological Survey of India. Out of which, 820 monuments which have places of worship were opened on 8th of last month. The entry tickets will be issued by e-mode only and no physical tickets will be issued. Only digital payment is allowed at parkings and cafeterias. All Sound and Light Shows and film shows at monuments will remain suspended. The visitors have to follow social distancing and use of face cover or mask is mandatory.

Thermal scanning provisions and hand hygiene at the entrance is mandatory. Only asymptomatic persons will be allowed to enter the premises. No group photography, food and eatables will be allowed inside the premises.