BJP Vision Document promises 70,000 jobs, 100 percent reservation to local youth


JAMMU: Reiterating that party stands for united and strong India to frustrate the designs of those opposition parties which have joined the hands to weaken the national interests and structural integrity of India, the BJP today made it clear that party stands shoulder to shoulder with India’s armed forces and has enhanced the defence capabilities in recent years to counter cross border threats.Releasing its Vision Document for District Development Committee (DDC) elections here at party headquarters, BJP accused the Gupkar Gang and its supporters Congress and Panthers Party for hobnobbing to trade India’s national interest for petty political gains.The Vision Document (poll manifesto) was released by BJP general secretary and former Minister, Dr D K Manyal, Election Office incharge, Harinder Gupta, secretary, Arvind Gupta, chief spokesperson, Sunil Sethi and media incharge, Dr Pardeep Mahotra.Blaming Gupkar Gang of undermining India’s national integrative capability, it said that the opposition doubted the military strikes by the country’s brave soldiers in the line of duty.It, while promising 100 percent job reservation for locals said local population will be benefitted by the decision to reserve 100 percent Government jobs for them. Envisaging a huge potential for industrial growth under Aatma Nirbhar Bharat in the UT of J&K, it said the Private Sector has pledged investment across sectors and this will bring huge job and business opportunities for the local population.To assuage the problems of unemployed youth, the vision document promises more than 70,000 jobs to the youth in J&K out of which 15,000 jobs have already been advertised and put to selection process. It said the remaining jobs will also be advertised shortly. Maintaining that these jobs are only in Government sector it said the rest jobs will be created in private sector also to absorb youth.Promising to bring an industrial friendly policy in the UT, the BJP said that Government’s industrial policy to establish new industrial bases and established Industrial Estates is being swiftly implemented. In numerous districts land has already been acquired and a full scale all round development will transform the landscape of J&K and put it on the highway of growth.The party also reiterated its commitment for eradication of corruption saying the anti corruption laws of Centre are now applicable to the UT which will ensure a clean, responsive ,accountable and transparent administration.The party also promises democratic representation for all saying the BJP has ensured a three tier representative system under the Panchayati Raj in J&K. Reservation have been provided to women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to empower them so that they can reap the fruits of democracy in true and real sense.Besides, the Vision Document of the party promises regional equality saying that all regions and districts of the UT will be treated with equality to ensure all round development. The party said the era of preferential treatment is over. The party also assured improved water and power supply in the region besides strengthening road network to global standards.The BJP guaranteed of bringing the region on global tourism map by giving impetus to both domestic and foreign tourism to boost local economy and create employment opportunities.The party made it clear that BJP stands for zero tolerance for encroachments saying that all illegal encroachments will be examined, illegalities will be removed and encroachments will be retrieved from vested interests.Allaying the fears and apprehensions of daily wagers , the party said that UT administration is actively examining and considering the long standing demand of regularization of daily wagers casual and contractual employees in order to provide applicable benefit to them.It while highlighting the achievements of Modi Government said the era of stone pelting, instigating violence and rewarding anti establishment elements through cash and political position is over. The enemies of the State are being identified, isolated and neutralized without fear.