Department of Fisheries continues disposal of pending matters under Special Campaign 2.0


21 OCT, Delhi: Special Campaign for disposal of pending matters 2.0 (2nd to 31st October 2022) is organised with the aim of record management, cleanliness (indoor & outdoor), and office scrap disposal easing of rules/processes freeing of space. Activities are thus being carried out by Department of Fisheries (DoF-GoI), its autonomous bodies namely Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act (CAA) and National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) and its institutions namely National Institute of Fisheries Post Harvest Technology and Training (NIFPHATT), Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET), Fishery Survey of India (FSI) and Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fisheries (CICEF) under its guidance. 15 Sites have been identified with Subordinates and attached offices for cleaning drive under DoF (GoI).During the pre-preparatory phase (14th to 30th September 2022), the officers/officials of this Department and its subordinate offices were sensitized and mobilized as the Campaign focuses on the field offices at urban and sub urban locations. For the Campaign, pendency in identified categories were identified and finalized for the Campaign sites such as scraps and redundant materials to be identified for their disposal as per the laid down procedures etc.DoF (GoI) has been proactively participating in the campaign through various activities. The progress of the campaign is being documented in “pre and post scenario” through high resolution photographs. All Subordinates and attached offices have been instructed to share pictures/videos on the social media platform while tagging Department of Fisheries, DARPG, Swachhata Campaign 2.0 etc. Regional offices of DoF too have aligned to push the campaign forward. Inspection/Visit to all the Sections/Division/Hall/ Record Room of DoF and sites of Subordinate & attached offices in various Coastal parts of nation are being undertaken. During the campaign period, the Minister of State (MoS) Dr L Murugan visited two sites on 21st October 2022 at the zonal offices at Chennai and reviewed the progress in a holistic manner. Secretary (Fisheries) Shri Jatindra Nath Swain (DoF-GoI) visited two sites on 20th Oct 2022 in Vizag for inspection of progress and achievements made by FSI and CIFNET zonal offices at Vizag during the ongoing Campaign.Banner and Standee regarding “Special Campaign 2.0” are being displayed on corridors to create awareness.Under the “Special Campaign 2.0”, disposal of the pending VIP differences and approvals of project proposals under schemes/programmes of the Department have been expedited. Target and achievement and Pictures of Activities (Before and After) are being uploaded by the Department on the SCDPM Portal of DARPG on daily basis.