Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge – Innovate Solutions for #AatmaNibharBharat Abhiyan.



Under #AatmaNibharBharat Abhiyan, there is a growing need for Swadeshi Compute Hardware, that shall be part of every Smart Device deployed in different domains, including Electronics for public utility services such as Surveillance, Transportation, Environmental condition monitoring, to commodity appliances like smart fans/ locks/ washing machines. In addition, with growing penetration of smart electronics in strategic areas including Space, Defence and Nuclear energy, the need for Swadeshi Compute Hardware is crucial. It is not just the cost or embargo that drives this need, but also the dependence on external vendors, long term sustenance, quick enhancements to suit the ever-growing requirements, and most-importantly Security, which drives #AatmaNirbharta in Hardware domain, as the only option.

Under Microprocessor Development Programme spearheaded by MeitY at C-DAC, IIT Madras and IIT Bombay, not only the family of industry-grade Microprocessors has been designed from the scratch but also the compute ecosystem around them has been evolved as a step towards meeting India’s future requirements.


To provide further impetus to the strong ecosystem of start-ups, innovators & researchers in the country, MeitY announces Swadeshi Microprocessor Challenge made available by IIT Madras (शक्ति processors) and C-DAC (वेगा processors), powered by FPGA Boards of XILINX which is supported by CoreEL Technologies, to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship by taking up complex designs in the country and innovate frugal solutions around home-grown processor ecosystem, catering to both global and domestic requirements.The incubation support to the winning teams will be provided by an Incubator located at their geographical proximity coordinated by Maker Village.

Give your ideas a jump-start by sculpting your innovation with Technical support, Business mentorship augmented with Hardware, Software and funding support of total Rs. 4.30 Crore from MeitY to applicants at various stages of the Challenge as following.: