Aaj Tak and NEWS 18 INDIA garner the highest ROI in week 49


Airtime Share – The story had the maximum air time share of 41.86% followed by ‘speed news’, ‘Headlines’ and ‘corona virus disease (Covid – 19)’ whereas ‘West Bengal Assembly Elections 2021’ secured the 6th position during the week. Of the total run of the story Zee News led with 19.2 % share followed by Republic Bharat. Aaj Tak was at rank no 3 with 14.8% of the total air time among the top 8 Hindi News Channels during the week.Viewership Share – Agriculture Reform Bills – 23.1% of which Aaj Tak – 27.2%, News 18 India – 20%, ABP News – 12.2%, Republic Bharat – 12.1%, Zee News – 10.8%, India TV – 10.2%, NDTV India – 4.2% and TV 9 Bharatvarsh – 3.2%Source – Screen Shot Sourced from CNT (Chrome News Track) – 9th December 2020, 7 am -11 am, 15+, HSM, Hindi News GenreChrome News Track is India’s first Live TV News Consumption measurement PaaS to MAXIMIZE RATINGS on the back of key editorial decisions at the click of a button. The tool gives an immediate competitive edge with near live tagging on what your competition is airing and what you are missing out on, eventually boosting your News Channels’ rating (with additional data from a 24*7 live panel of 2000 touchpoints with live indicative viewership that tallies with the subsequent ratings system trends). Features include – Story Analysis, Sub Story Analysis, Anchor Analysis, Top Genres, Logistic Monetization and Exclusive Competitive Stories.All viewership inputs are a hybrid of the above LIVE data via 1) the Chrome LIVE Panel of 2000 boxes representing the cable universe of 184 million homes (translating to ~791 MN individuals – second by second image capturing of the content viewed), and 2) the on-ground distribution fluctuations across 1700 unique feeds sourced from Chrome Track, (Chrome’s city-wise connectivity OTS – Opportunity to see). Coverage – Urban 3,429 Class 1 and LC1 towns representing 92.3% population of urban India & 5,93,615 villages representing 100% of the rural population of India.