Abdul Rashid Malik appointed as Senior Advocate General in Srinagar wing of J&K HC’s Srinagar wing


Srinagar,31-Oct;Sushil Chandel Vs Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and others.”“In terms of Administrative Council Decision No. 35/4/2021 dated 10-03-2021 read with Government Order No. 1678-JK(LD) of 2021 dated 24-03-2021, the Law Officer shall submit the information of cases on daily basis through Director Litigation Kashmir and fortnightly to the Department of Law Justice and P.A. on a devised proforma GC-I and GC-II and shall also furnish weekly/Department wise advance list of cases on each Friday or Saturday as the case may be on a devised proforma GC-IlI.”The order further states that In terms of Administrative Council Decision No. 35/4/2021 dated 10-03-2021 read with Government Order No. 1678-JK(LD) of 2021 dated 24-03-2021, the Law Officer shall submit the information of cases on daily basis through Director Litigation Kashmir and fortnightly to the Department of Law Justice and P.A. on a devised proforma GC-I and GC-II and shall also furnish weekly/Department wise advance list of cases on each Friday or Saturday as the case may be on a devised proforma GC-III.