Atal Dulloo reviews status of micro irrigation, irrigation for Kharif 2023


JAMMU, NOVEMBER 25: Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Agriculture Production Department, Atal Dulloo, today chaired a meeting of senior officers to review status of micro irrigation and irrigation for Kharif 2023 at Civil Secretariat Jammu.Principal Secretary, Jal Shakti, Shaleen Kabra was also present in the meeting.The meeting discussed various issues related to Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) for three years and other irrigation related issues faced by the farmers in Jammu and Kashmir besides, Budget Estimate plan for 2023-2024.Director, APD, Kashmir briefed the meeting about component wise activities of various allied departments and Ministries prior 2022, proposed annual action plan under Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) component of PMKSY for the year 2022-23.The meeting was informed that the PMKSY scheme was launched by the government of India in 2015 with the objective of convergence of investments in irrigation, enhance access to irrigation and adoption of precision-irrigation, improved on-farm water use efficiency, water conservation and ground water recharge and extension activities.