BCCI appoints panel to look after JKCA


Jammu: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Tuesday appointed a three-member local committee to look after the Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA).The committee comprises Brigadier Anil Gupta, who is the spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in J&K, Sunil Sethi, a Jammu-based advocate who is also a BJP spokesperson, and former J&K captain Mithun Manhas.“The committee will look after the affairs and report to BCCI,” a source told TOI on Tuesday.In April, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court directed the BCCI to look into the cricketing affairs of the JKCA. The Board set up a committee – which includes vice-president Rajeev Shukla and treasurer Arun Dhumal, for looking after the affairs of JKCA till the elections are held. On May 30, TOI had reported that entire support staff of the Jammu and Kashmir team for the 2019-20 domestic season — including former India allrounder Irfan Pathan, who was their mentor, head coach Milap Mewada, former India strength and conditioning coach Sudarshan VP, who was the fitness trainer, manager Syed Mujtaba Hussain, physio and the video analyst — is yet to receive its remuneration.