Court Rejects Bail application of Property Broker


Srinagar,17-Dec; Srinagar Court on Saturday Rejected the bail application of the Property Dealer for dumping a female senior citizen of Rs. 14 lakhs on the pretext of selling her a piece of land at Kunzer Baramulla.City Judge Srinagar Ajay Kumar (KCS) has rejected the Bail application of Property Dealer Syed Mohd Farid S/o Syed Ghulam ud Din R/o Nowgam Verinag Anantnag Kashmir for cheating, fraud. They said that in June accused introduced himself as a property dealer & after receiving 14 lakh from a Customer, the accused showed him a piece of land at Kunzer in District Baramulla and was failed to Provide the documents to Buyer and the accused one or other pretext delay the deal to happen. Later the applicant came to know that accused is a professional cheater and in the past has cheated likewise, so many other. The applicant demanded the money back from the accused to where he made broken promises and finally disappeard.Accordingly after registration of FIR No 115/2017 in Police Station Sader the accused was arrested and is presently Under Police Custody.APP Mohsin Hassan while opposing the Bail application said that the accused is a habitual fraudster and has cheated many other persons and a number of cheque bounce cases are pending against him.APP Further informed Court the investigation in the case is at its initial stage, a disclosure statement vis-a-viz the stolen money and its recovery is expected from the accused however, if bailed out the recovery of this money will become impossible and thereby huge blow to the fair investigation and following trial of the case. While Rejecting the Bail application Ajay Kumar (KCS) City Judge Srinagar said that, there is a great possibility that the accused would, if enlarged on bail, commit similar offences in future. The gravity of the offences in question and the criminal antecedents of the applicant do not justify grant of bail to the applicant.