Debate Competition on Drug Abuse and it’s Remedies held by Handwara Police


Handwara November 11.2020.

  Today on the directions of Superintendent of Police *Dr G.V. Sundeep Chakravarthy-IPS*  Handwara Police held a day-long  *Debate Competition on Drug Abuse and it's Remedies* at Environment Hall Handwara.

   The event was hosted by DySP DAR Handwara *Shri Rakeeb Malik-JKPS* 

    On the event Doctors from District Hospital Handwara, ZEO Langate, Principal Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School Handwara, Teachers and Students from various Schools were also present at the event.

The aim of organizing the event was to create awareness among the polulace of the area about the menace of drugs, the deadful effects of drugs and the steps to be taken to eradicate this menace from the society.

    While speaking on the event, DySP DAR Handwara said that the issue of drug abuse is a challenge before every State of the country. It is the duty of all stakeholders to join in creating awareness about the illegal use of  drugs and the  measures to be taken  to prevent this menace. He said that substance abuse has affected human rights in every aspect. He also said that the increasing drug users in Handwara, especially among the youth, posed a grave danger. He appreciated participants for cooperating Handwara Police in organising this programme which he said, will prove to be useful in the long run.
  He also said that to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, public cooperation is necessary and stressed upon the participants to share all such informations related drug supply in the area so that police can act swiftly. He further stressed that the steps to get rid of these social evils need to be taken from our homes and locality.

   On the event, the Doctors from DH Handwara, ZEO Langate, Principal Govt. Higher Secondary School Handwara, teachers and students of various schools also spoke and highlighted the causes and consequences of d