Director Law Enforcement Jammu and Kashmir took stock of working of Law enforcement Agency


SRINAGAR: The Director Law Enforcement Agriculture Production & Farmer’s Welfare Department J&K Abdul Rahim Samoon Thursday convened a meeting of Law Enforcement Officers of all districts to review the overall working of the Law Enforcement agency of Kashmir Division at Agriculture Complex Lalmandi Srinagar.
The Director took the stock of progress of the Enforcement Officers regarding Inspections / Sampling / action taken in respect of Pesticide / Fertilizers/ seeds and also put emphasis on availability of fertilizers in the Kashmir Division.
Speaking on the occasion Director Law Enforcement said that the prime objective of the enforcement wing of the department is to ensure that quality fertilizers and pesticides are made available to the farmers through proper sale outlets well in time. Every effort must be put in so that farmer’s interests are served at all the levels of administration he said.
The Director gave clear cut directions to the enforcement officers of the department for up-gradation of POS (Point Of Sale) to 3.1 versions and installation of UPI QR codes by the dealers. The Enforcement officers were instructed to monitor the availability and quality of inputs in the Kashmir Division and also directed to stop the violations if any found in the field and violators should be punished under relevant laws.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Director Law Enforcement, Kashmir, Plant Protection Officer, Kashmir, Assistant Director Law Enforcement, Srinagar, District Law Enforcement Officers and all Enforcement Inspectors of the Kashmir Division.