G P Fund cell concludes 2nd phase of “Grievance Redressal–cum-Awareness mela”


JAMMU, DECEMBER 7: The second phase of “Grievance Redressal cum Awareness Mela” Organized by G P Fund Cell, Civil Secretariat, concluded here today.The initiative, launched by the J&K Funds organization, Finance Department, was aimed at to redress the grievances of G P Fund subscribers, former subscribers and SLI insurants besides sensitizing the subscribers about the e-services being provided by J&K Funds organization.Director General, J&K Funds organization, Neeraj Gupta Bakshi, ensured that all grievances of the subscribers and insurants are resolved during the event.During the grievance redressal-cum-awareness mela, the subscribers and former subscribers of Civil Secretariat and other moving offices registered their grievances by personally visiting the office of Accounts officer, G P Fund Civil Secretariat.The subscribers/SLI insurants also registered their grievances on the official e-mail Id provided for the purpose through their official Notice. A dedicated cell of the officials of G.P. Fund Civil Secretariat, J&K also attended to the phone calls on daily basis for registration of Grievances of the subscribers through dedicated Mobile Numbers provided for the purpose.All the Grievances received during the event were disposed of on the same day/next day. On spot redressal of the Grievances of the subscribers were also made regarding viz, documents required for Settlement of FR cases/ SLI Maturity Claims, providing Status of adjustment of Inward T.E.s, Issuance of Annual Account Statement and updating the designation of subscribers in the portal.