Jammu and Kashmir: DSEJ organises webinar on Gender in School education, gender concerns in NEP 2020


Srinagar: A webinar on “Gender in School Education and Gender Concerns in National Education policy 2020” was today organized by Directorate of School Education Jammu in collaboration with Centre for Women Studies, University of Jammu.

The webinar was inaugurated by Director School Education Jammu, Anuradha Gupta and attended by a large number of Teachers, Students and other stakeholders. Addressing the participants, the Director said that education is the vehicle which can provide security, stability and due recognition to the girls, while giving them a platform to grow to their fullest in every sphere.Focusing on the Current National Policy on Education, she said that one of the landmark initiatives of the Ministry of education was the constitution of the Gender Inclusion Fund in order to provide the quality and equitable education to the girls across the country.

The vision is to decrease the gender parity gaps in school education by ensuring the 100 percent enrolment of the girls in schools, she added.The policy focuses on promoting gender sensitive curriculum for addressing gender discrimination at all levels of education, said Anuradha Gupta.She exhorted that there is need to be curious towards the gender issues in schools and for this purpose the role of society and individual was inevitable.In the keynote address, former Professor, Advanced centre for Women Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and former Head, Deptt. Of Economics, SNDT University, Mumbai, Prof. Vibhuti Patel, said that in this era of Knowledge economy there was a dire need to provide access and equity to those who are otherwise unreached, especially the girls belonging to the most disadvantaged sections of the society.