Restore road connectivity, electricity, water supply system in Kudara and area of Bandipora: Usman Majid


Srinagar, 02-Sep;Apni Party Vice President and Former Minister Usman Majid urged LG administration to restore road connectivity, electricity and water supply system in Kudara and adjective areas which were affected by Cloudburst followed by flash floods.In a statement to the  CNS, Majid said that the cloud burst and heavy rains has made the situation worse for the people living in these areas of district Bandipora from last 3-4 days. “I have received reports from Kudar and adjacent areas have been cut off from rest of the district due to heavy rains and flash floods”. Adding  that unprecedented incessant rains and consequent flash floods in Kudara have caused immense damages to the road infrastructure. He also asked the administration that the concerned officers to mobilize their men and machinery to restore the raod connectivity so that people many not face any inconvenience.Majid said that the teams of all the concerned departments should be dispatched in the aforementioned areas and immediate relief compensation be issued by the respective administration in favour of the people whose structures have been damaged in the inclement weather conditions.Majid said that the electricity has been snapped in many of the upper reaches from two days which should be restored as early as possible.“I am shocked over the devastation caused by flash floods and heavy rains as people are at risk after their houses developed cracks. The residential houses have become unsafe to live in”,he added.He urged personal intervention of Lt Governor Manoj Sinha so that the people who suffered losses should be given immediate relief compensation, ration, electricity and blocked roads should be restored.(CNS)