Speech ideology and therapists treating ENT patients at district Hospital Pulwama


Srinagar,04-Jan; Patients raised hue and cry at district hospital Pulwama on Wednesday after it was found that the doctor posing as ENT specialist is basically a Speech therapist , sensational revelations of hospital administration playing with ENT patients come to notice as those treating patients have nothing to do with this field.correspondent reached the hospital with his cameraman, he actually found a doctor treating the patients who was not even remotely related to the ENT department. The physician was involved in the field of speech ideology and therapists.raised with him the issue of misusing his profession and playing with the lives of patients, he said that he was forced to stay here on the order of the Medical Superintendent and that he was aware that he was misusing his profession for which he apologized.Dozens of tickets were distributed among the patients for ENT consultation with Dr. Irfan. As, they were waiting for their turn here in a queue the CNS exposed the absence of doctor and mechanism of treatment.