Subsidized sugar to be provided to AAY families FCS&CA to buy 3000 MT of sugar from NAFED


SRINAGAR, JULY 19: : The Administrative Council (AC), which met here under the chairmanship of Lieutenant Governor, G C Murmu, accorded sanction to the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs for procurement of 3000 MT of sugar from National Agriculture Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED).
As per sanction, the Department will procure 2800 MT per annum, under the J&K Special Sugar Scheme for 2,33,429 existing Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) families, and additional 200 MT per annum for relief Migrants, on demand. Under the Special Sugar Scheme, 1 Kg subsidized sugar per AAY ration card holder will be provided through Public Distribution System at the Government of India’s subsidized rate of Rs. 13.50 per Kg, with effect from January, 2020.