KPDCL decides to replace wires, wooden poles worth Rs 40 crore


Kansal chairs its first AGM after unbundling of PDD
SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 22: Principal Secretary Power Development & Information Departments, Rohit Kansal today chaired the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) here.
The Principal Secretary commended the company for completing all the financial statements within the deadline. He asked the officers to make the company vibrant by incorporating a HR consultancy, IT consultancy, employees welfare and framing of recruitment rules besides other measures for the company.
The meeting was informed by MD KPDCL, Mohammad Aijaz Asad, Representative of Ministry of Power, GoI, Vishal Sharma, Special Secretary Finance, Shamim Ahmad Wani and representatives of many departments were present in the meeting.
Kansal, who is also Chairman and Director of the Company asked them to utilize there sources and powers conferred upon them efficiently so that the company reaches to its optimum potential. He further said that companies have ample chances of growth as they are lot more independent to take decisions and implement policies as per changing times and needs.
Kansal also advised the Company officials to work with zeal as their prospects of progress are much more than anywhere else. He asked them that the progress of company is proportional to the progress avenues of its employees.
The meeting was informed that after the unbundling of the department after November, 2019 the company has already held 2 Board of Directors meetings and an AGM.It was given that company is in the process of replacing all the worn-out LT/HT electric lines and wooden poles in the division for which Rs 40 crores have been earmarked. Further the fundamental set-up and logistics necessary for the running of company has already been put in place in the shortest possible period of 6 months only.
Later Kansal also took stock of the winter preparedness of the distribution company. He was informed that company is set to improve its distribution in coming winter. They further said that people will feel the difference in power supply as many other measures have been taken or are in pipeline to improve the system.